Cleaning Your Racquetball Racquet Grip [Don’t Ever Use These Products]

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Written By Dan Kaplan

Page Editor and Racquetball player

Keeping your racquet grip clean is essential for the best performance and longevity. There are products and techniques that should and should not be used to assure longevity and to get the best performance out of your racquets’ grip. Highlighted below are the best steps for cleaning and maintaining your rackets’ grip. 


How to Clean Your Racquetball Racquet Grip 

All racquetball players, regardless of experience, should be familiar with the fundamentals of maintaining their gear. So, whether you’re a complete novice or have been playing for years, you need to know how to keep your racquetball racquet grip clean at all times.

For starters, because of hygiene. It’s normal to sweat profusely during a game of racquetball, and your racquet’s grip can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria. You can also extend the life of your grip through regular cleaning.  

A lot of little things can affect or improve your performance, such as checking your racket strings before every match and cleaning and replacing your racquet’s grip regularly.

In this article, we’ll go over some tips for keeping your racket in pristine condition by cleaning it properly after use, and replacing the grip tape or wrap, to help prevent the buildup of moisture and bacteria. 

Methods for Cleaning the Grip of your Racquetball Racket 


There are many ways to clean your racket’s grip, but you’ll get the best results if you follow the steps below: 

  • Use a toothbrush  

This is an excellent method for cleaning the grip of your racquetball or tennis racket. All you need is a used toothbrush, some water, and some detergent.

Begin by mixing some washing liquid with water and dipping the toothbrush into the mix. You can also clean your racket’s handle thoroughly using the toothbrush and foamy solution.

Next, rinse the grip with warm water. When you’re done, pat it dry with a soft cloth.  


  • Use a wet cloth  

Wiping the surface of the handle with soft material is another great option. Just wet the cloth with water, and then use it to wipe the handle of your racket.

You might, however, need to dip the cloth in a soap and water mix to get rid of stubborn stains and dirt. Soak the cloth in water, and then add some detergent.

Then use the cloth to scrub the handle thoroughly to remove any dirt or stains. And lastly, let the handle dry off after rinsing it with water.  


  • Make use of rubbing alcohol  

This is another effective method for disinfecting a racket grip and keeping it clean (especially those made from leather or synthetic wrap).

In addition to killing germs, the rubbing alcohol used to clean your leather and synthetic grip can also dissolve other forms of contaminants.

This product is safe for your racket’s handle when used properly and in small amounts. You can also sanitize the grip of your racquetball racquet by dripping some rubbing alcohol onto a towel and wiping it down gently.

Keep in mind that rubbing alcohol is already potent, so be careful not to soak your cleaning cloth or racket grip in it.  

Stop Germs


Things to Avoid When Cleaning Your Racquetball Racket Grip  

A racket handle coated with a rubber grip or wrap is often durable, but it is still important to care for it properly. This will not only make your grip more comfortable to hold, but it will also make it last longer.

Even if you replace the grip of your racket regularly, there are some things you should never do. You should stay away from substances like acetone and any other cleaners with harsh chemicals.  

The grips materials’ natural fiber structure can be damaged by acetone, and the material may begin to deteriorate if exposed to it.

Using acetone is a bad idea because when the grip deteriorates, it makes it harder to hold on to your racket. Thus, avoid using acetone or other cleaning products that contain acetone.  

It’s also best to stay away from harsh chemicals like ammonia and bleach, as well as abrasive cleaners.

Like acetone, certain chemicals can eat into the material, damaging it and changing the grip’s feel in your hand. Use a leather cleaner instead, as it contains special treatments and solvents for cleaning this type of material.

If you want your racket grip to last as long as possible, go with cleaners that don’t contain any harsh chemicals.  



Tips for keeping your racket in good condition  

Your racket will serve you well for a longer period of time if you take the time to keep it clean and dry.  

Ensure you have a clean soft fabric towel or rag, use a light soap or detergent, and have water available to clean your racquet.  

Old racquetball rackets made of wood require special attention when washing them. Soaking the them or the handle for too long might cause the wood to become warped. Instead, you should concentrate on cleaning the grip with a wet cloth.

Start by cleaning the racket’s grip by wiping it down with a dry fabric to get rid of any leftover debris and dust. Then use a wet towel or cloth and some light soap or detergent to get rid of any stubborn stains. Finish up by drying the grip off with a clean towel.  

If the handle of your badminton, racquetball, or tennis racket is made of synthetic materials, you can clean it safely using only water.

Then wipe the grip with a dry cloth to get rid of any dust or dirt.  

One of the most important tips is to always store your racquet{s} in a dry, cool area between games and practices.

Keep your racket out of the rain and direct sunlight, as both elements can cause it to distort or deteriorate. Also do not leave your racquet in the car or truck. This extreme heat and cold will break down the grip continuity.

 As with any piece of equipment, if you want your racket to remain in excellent working condition, you have to keep it clean at all times. So, if you’d like to get the most out of your racket and keep it in good condition for as long as possible, you should give it a thorough cleaning after each use.

You’ve probably learned a few useful tricks for getting the job done more efficiently. So remember to use this cleaning guide the next time you want to clean your racquet grip.  

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