What to Expect: First Racquetball Tournament [Ask These Questions]

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Written By Dan Kaplan

Page Editor and Racquetball player

I joined the Dovetail Open in Sarasota Florida for my first tournament. I was not sure what to expect. I joined the singles B division and tried to find a buddy to join along with me so we could play doubles together but after a few reminders and sending the link, I realized I was going to be on my own.

Yeah, I could have joined the doubles division too and got paired up with a random player, but I would not know my partner and since this was my first tournament, I decided playing in the singles division only would be enough.

On the Tuesday before the tournament, the brackets were posted and I found out my first match was at 2:00 PM on Friday. This is the first time I felt the nerves kick in and this surprised me.

I wasn’t taking it all that seriously, but I also didn’t want to be a member of the one-and-done group. This division had 16 entries and it was single elimination.

Dan Bakchand       

Game Day – The Day of My First Racquetball Match

I woke up and could feel the anticipation of my upcoming match that afternoon. I knew nothing about this person I’d be playing other than, just like me, he wanted to win our match. That is really why we’re all there. I went about my morning routine and packed up my things to make sure I had a change of shirt for the match, some Powerade to stay hydrated, my gloves, spare goggles, and clothes to change into after the match.

We load up the car and off we go. The ride to the Sarasota club will take just about one hour and fifteen minutes.  Now I can start to feel the increased tension and a few deep breaths help that to subside. The hour ride gave me lots of time to think about how I was going to play, what was my strategy going in, and if this, then that kind of thoughts.

mikes serve

I arrived at the club a couple of hours ahead of my start time. I would suggest this to anyone heading out for their first tournament. I was looking forward to seeing some of the IRT professional players but still did not know how this all was going to play out. Would the professional players be separated from the amateurs? Would we play on the same courts? How friendly would everyone be? These were some of the thoughts I had walking in.

As we entered the club and were greeted at the reception area, we were directed around the corner to the tournament check-in desk. We proceeded to the lady at the desk where she took my name, checked me off on a players log, handed me my shirt, and said “okay, your good to go now”.

I guess there are not a lot of new players at these tournaments, because I didn’t know anything and had questions.

I asked which court I was scheduled to be playing on. It only seemed logical that I could watch to see when would be “my turn”. It turns out that they have a slip of paper they lay out when your scheduled match time is approaching.

As courts free up, they assign the next match to the open court. “But how would I know when it’s my turn?” I asked. The people running the tournament walk around and call out your name and tell you which court to report to.

I eagerly watched other players of all levels wondering if I could be standing right next to the person I am scheduled to play. I also wondered if I was playing in the right division. I enjoyed many of the games. The competition was good and the speed of the pros is impressive. As well as the ease they use to generate the speed they hit the ball with. They are all so smooth and deadly accurate. It is Very impressive.

Enrique shot

Game Time

My name is called out and I raise my hand. “Court 3” is directed to me and I gather up my things, meaning my racquetball bag, and head to that court to get prepared. I was nervous but I was too rushed to worry about it. In reality, I wasn’t being rushed at all, but I felt like I needed to get on the court and get warmed up.

I enter the court and my warm-ups start. Some backhand ceiling balls, forehand ceiling balls, some passing shots from both sides of the court, a few pinches, and it’s game time.  It’s a bit weird playing in a place you’re not accustomed to. The floors are different, the walls are different, and these courts are designed so the top part of the back wall is open which allows people to watch the game from up there.

Knudsen overhand smash

What I Learned from My First Racquetball Tournament

It turns out that everyone has to deal with some nerves when game time is approaching but when the match starts, it’s really hard to think about anything but what is going on on the court. So try to relax. The spectators disappear during play and are thought about briefly after each point when you turn to the referee to hear or see the score.

The courts I play on regularly are panel walls and plank flooring. The courts at this tournament were parquet squares on the floor and concrete walls.  There may have been a difference in the look of the courts, and maybe the speed, but not enough to worry about. Play your game.

Another thing I gave a lot of thought to was the division I was playing in. I didn’t want to play in a division that was too easy and at the same time, I didn’t want to play against people I had no chance at winning against.

I think we all gain a feel for our abilities on the court. There is no perfect science to picking the division. Try and be fair about your abilities join a singles division or grab a buddy and sign up for doubles, you won’t regret it.

Mikes kill shot


How I Made Out in My First Racquetball Tournament

I played in the Singles B division and finished third out of sixteen. I am happy with how I played and the results. I lost to a good player that won the B division and finished fourth in the singles A division.


There were a number of local guys that showed up and played at the tournament too. The Brandon/Valrico Florida area made a good showing and many of the players made it to, won, or came close to the championship game in their division.  There are some pics of us all spread out in this post:

Enrique backhand   Dans forehand

Mikes forehand              Server ready

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